Emily Soltano (Psychology), Linda Larrivee, (Communication Sciences and Disorders), and Susanna Meyer (Communication Sciences and Disorders) presented a talk at the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Psychology (NECTOP) on Friday, October 29 at Fairfield University in Connecticut.
Their talk, titled “No Pain, No Gain: Working with Students on Interdisciplinary Research,” highlighted the benefits and setbacks to faculty, undergraduate students, and graduate students associated with working on a team, especially when the team crossed disciplines. Ultimately, the benefits to both students and faculty far outweigh the setbacks.
Soltano, Larrivee, and Meyer were able to offer suggestions to faculty members on other campuses about starting this type of collaboration.
The NECTOP conference hosts psychology teachers from the region to participate in workshops and discussions about pedagogical issues.
Rearick Presents on Parental Care of Children with Diabetes
Ellen Rearick (Nursing) recently presented "Parents of Children with Type 1 Diabetes: Experiences with Social Support and Family Management" at the annual Research Meeting of the Iota Phi at-large . . .