Barry Maloney began his tenure as Worcester State University’s 11th president on Friday, July 1. Maloney said he plans to keep Worcester State students at the center of everything he does.
“The student is the most important person on our campus. I will work with the university community to ensure that our students feel valued and listened to,” said Maloney.
The Massachusetts Board of Higher Education voted unanimously Tuesday, May 3 to approve Maloney as president, following the Monday, April 4 vote of recommendation by the WSU Board of Trustees. Maloney replaces Janelle C. Ashley, who retired at the end of June.
Prior to joining Worcester State, Maloney served as Interim President, Vice President of Student Affairs, and Vice President of Advancement and University Relations at Westfield State University.
Maloney praised WSU and its faculty for providing fertile ground for students to learn. “I think Worcester State University is already recognized for its outstanding faculty who provide research and hands-on learning opportunities for both graduate and undergraduate students,” he said. “My job is to enhance that experience by embracing collaborations wherever possible.” He intends to reach out to all constituencies of the university to form strategic partnerships to strengthen the university. “I believe a vibrant university is tightly connected to the greater community and I welcome all conversations.”
In addition to reaching out to the greater community, Maloney plans to host regular sessions with students to listen to their hopes and concerns. “My first goal is to listen,” he said. “The university has recently completed a comprehensive strategic planning process and I plan to use that as my road map while meeting with students, faculty, staff, alumni and the greater community to set my goals with the Board of Trustees,” said Maloney.
Maloney recognized that WSU students benefit from a global perspective on campus. Not only do students have the opportunity to study abroad across the globe, but they benefit from a growing number of students from more than 40 countries studying at the Worcester campus. “Our students are part of a global economy and the opportunity to study abroad and to meet international students on our own campus prepares them for a world that grows smaller every day,” said Maloney.
Maloney said he plans to gather as much information and data as possible to inform decisions. “We need to learn from our community partners what the economic needs of the region are; what service opportunities will benefit our students and communities; what careers offer the best opportunity for our students; and what partnerships with college, university and K-12 educators will best meet the needs of all of our students.”
In addition, Maloney said he will focus on establishing a capital planning committee to address the need for a new Wellness Center, student housing and greening of the campus. He noted that Worcester State has been very proactive in its capital planning and applauded the expansion of residential housing, construction of the Ghosh Science and Technology building, renovation of the Helen G. Shaughnessy Administration Building and Learning Resource Center, as well as building the first parking garage in the state university system.
“My predecessors Dr. Kalyan Ghosh and Dr. Janelle Ashley did so much to improve the university for the benefit of the students” Maloney said. “But there is more to do and I look forward to working with the campus community to make it happen.”

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