Richard Bisk (Mathematics) gave a talk, “The Mathematical Preparation of Elementary Teachers,” in October at the Colégio de Sáo Tomas conference Viva a Matemática in Portugal.
This talk discussed the importance of providing teachers with a deep understanding of the math they will be teaching. There will be a discussion of the work in Massachusetts to provide stronger math backgrounds to new teachers and of the presenter’s experience using books from Singapore in working with teachers.
While in Portugal, Bisk also gave a talk, “Problem Solving with Model Drawing,” at the Champalimaud Foundation (a major Bioscience Research Center in Lisbon).

Soysa Publishes Article on PTSD Responses in Sri Lankan Children
Champika K. Soysa (Psychology) had a peer-reviewed journal article, titled "War and tsunami PTSD responses in Sri Lankan children: Primacy of re-experiencing and arousal compared to . . .