In July, Douglas Frink (Physical and Earth Sciences) and senior Dariusz Chlebica participated in an archaeological and soil assessment study in the mountains of North Carolina for the Jackson County Recreation and Parks Department in Cullowhee, NC.
Dariusz wrote of his experience: “As a Geo-science major at WSC I have attended hundreds of lectures in many disciplines but lacked real-world, hands-on experience until this summer when I was given the opportunity to participate in a soil characterization and archeological study of the Judaculla Rock State Archeological Site in North Carolina. This site is sacred to the Cherokee Indians living in the area. It was the doorway to their upland hunting grounds and a quarry for steatite bowls.
“Professor Frink and I teamed up with renowned rock art specialist Johannes Loubser of Stratum Unlimited to assess the geomorphic and soil processes affecting the archaeological potential and preservation of this site. It was a great opportunity to witness two professionals working alongside, always open to each other’s remarks and thoughts about the site. As a participant, I was involved in describing soil profiles. This brought to life the Soil Science course I took last spring, allowing me to see different stages of pedogenesis first hand. Being able to identify and describe soil horizons has provided valuable outside-the-classroom experience, and witnessing how field work is actually conducted has opened new career possibilities for me.”
by Dr. Douglas Frink and Dariusz Chlebica (WSC Senior)

Thea Aschkenase Honored at Commonwealth Corps Finale at Fenway Park
On June 26, a contingent of WSC's Commonwealth Corps attended the grand finale hosted by Governor Deval Patrick at Fenway Park. This special event included not only a celebration of Commonwealth . . .