Karen Lajoie, a graduate nursing student in Worcester State University’s Community/Public Health Nursing track of the Master of Science in Nursing program, was named Worcester School Nurse of the Year.
Lajoie was recognized by the Worcester School Committee and at the Worcester Public Schools Evening of Celebration for her work at Worcester Technical High School. She provides support and care to approximately 1,355 Worcester Tech students including eight diabetic students. She is a dedicated school nurse who is tirelessly in motion both inside and outside of school promoting wellness for her students. She performs these actions with a smile and a show of personal goodwill at all times.
Lajoie has been promoting childhood immunization through presentations at various healthcare venues including the Health Fair at the YMCA. She has been a school nurse since 2000 in Worcester.
Lajoie worked at Gates Lane Elementary School and City View School prior to Worcester Technical High School. The Worcester Public School Nurse of the Year Award is presented to an outstanding nurse that has been nominated by her/his peers.

Treseler Publishes Review and Reads at Newton Library Poetry Series
Heather Treseler (English) has published a review of Katie Peterson's collection of elegies, "The Accounts," in the Harvard Review. Peterson's collection of elegies won the Rilke Prize shortly . . .