In April, Daniel Hunt (Communication) presented on a panel titled “Innovative uses of social media in pedagogy and research” at the Eastern Communication Association’s annual conference.
The focus of his presentation was social media marketing and metrics. A paper that he co-authored also was presented at the conference. The paper was titled “An exploration into the brand personality traits of social media sites.”
Hunt also presented at the Action in Media Education Spring 2016 Summit in April. His presentation, “Framing the Boston Marathon Bombings: Using content analysis in media literacy curricula,” focused on a content analysis he worked on with former WSU student Sara Reynolds and senior Allyson Hassett.

Mori Named a Fellow of the Local Public Health Institute of Mass.
Ruth Mori, BS, RN, a student in the Master of Science in Nursing program (Community/Public health Clinical Specialty track), was honored as a Fellow of the Local Public Health Institute of . . .