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Get Ready For Chandler’s Challenge, April 12-13


Twenty-six teams are training hard to participate in Chandler’s Challenge, Worcester State’s annual Days of Giving fundraising competition, which starts at 12:01 a.m. on Monday, April 12, and continues until midnight on Tuesday, April 13.

The teams will use crowdfunding and social media to see who can get the most donors per team, with the top teams receiving extra prize money for their cause: $1,000 for first place; $500 for second place; and $250 for the third-place teams.

The teams will compete in two brackets—one for athletic teams, and one for campus groups—with the teams with the highest donor score (the number of total donors to the team divided by the number of team members) advancing every 12 hours. In addition, any team—even those that don’t advance in the competition—can win “Power Hour” prizes of $250 by raising the most donors per team in specifically designated hours throughout the competition.

All teams will compete against each other until noon on Monday, April 12. The top eight teams with the best donor score will then advance to the second round. Several teams (determined by a random drawing) will be taking over the University’s Instagram account for one hour at a time over both days to make their case for support.

The four teams in each bracket that have the best donor score at midnight on Monday will advance to the third round. The two finalists in each bracket will be determined at noon on Tuesday, April 13, and the overall winners will be crowned 12 hours later when the competition ends at midnight.

Participating teams are:

Athletic Bracket

Men’s Basketball

Women’s Basketball

Cross Country

Field Hockey



Ice Hockey


Men’s Soccer


Men’s Track & Field

Women’s Track & Field



Campus Bracket

Active Minds



Dance Team

Equestrian Team


Father Tim E. Brewer Scholarship Fund

Le cercle Francais

Pre-Health Club

Presidential Student Ambassadors

Student Nurse Association

Student Senate/Government

Thea’s Pantry


For more information, visit www.worcester.edu/chandlers-challenge [1].