On Friday, May 1, 22 Worcester State College students traveled to UMass Amherst to participate in the 15th Annual Massachusetts Undergraduate Research Conference—the biggest one yet, with 550 students from all over the Commonwealth. WSC students gave individual and group poster presentations and delivered talks, describing their projects and responded to questions articulately and with great enthusiasm.
Eleven faculty members from five different departments sponsored the student presentations, many of which had grown out of research conducted in independent studies.
The Chemistry Department put forward the largest number of students, with Cooper King, Ryan Knihtila, Jason Kost, Christina Lovell, Wyatt Merrill, Lucas Miller, Margaret Nguyen, and Patrick Sargent all giving poster presentations sponsored byProfessor Eihab Jaber. Also from Chemistry, Keith Dusoe gave an oral presentation, sponsored by Professor Meghna Dilip. Jessica Sargent and Adham Chebbanipresented a poster under the guidance of Professor Margaret Kerr. Poster presentations by Hawa Fall and Ericca Lucht were sponsored by Professors John Goodchild and Jeffry Nichols respectively.
Three English majors gave oral presentations: Karl Hartshorn, Steven Smyth, and Lori Stokes, sponsored by Professors Josna Rege, Kenneth Gibbs, and Sharon Yangrespectively.
Economics major Katie Seller also gave an oral presentation, sponsored by ProfessorWilliam O’Brien.
Communication students Paraskevi Berdos, Lauren Burgess, Christopher Hanks, and Ilyse Sugar gave a joint poster presentation under the guidance of Professor Carlos Fontes.
From the Geography Department,Dariusz Chlebica gave a poster presentation, sponsored by Professor Douglas Frink.
Professor Josna Rege, Department of Languages and Literature, served as the WSC campus contact for the conference. Thanks to all the participants, students and faculty alike, who made extraordinary efforts at an extremely busy time of year, and congratulations to the graduating seniors.

Theriault Gives Keynote Address at U.S. Congressional Armenian Genocide Event
On April 22, Associate Professor Henry Theriault of Worcester State’s Philosophy Department delivered remarks as the keynote speaker at the US Congress’s Caucus on Armenian Issues’ Armenian . . .