A book by Pamela Hollander (Education) has been showcased in two recent publications. The book, “Readiness Realities: Struggles and Successes During the Transition to College” (Sense Publishers), is about Hollander’s 20 years of experience teaching first-year college students.
A feature story about the book appeared in November 2017 issue of Counselors Notebook, which is a hard-copy publication sent to all members of the Massachusetts School Counselors Association.
Hollander said she is pleased that the publication will go out to all the counselors in all the schools in Massachusetts. “Their students are the ones who will be coming to college and I’m hoping that the counselors might read my book or take some of my ideas and share them with the students, and that might help them get ready for college ahead of time,” Hollander said.
Additionally, Hollander authored an article about her book that was accepted for publication in the November 2017 teaching and learning section, “Thriving in Academe,” of the National Education Association’s bimonthly Higher Education Advocate, a print publication sent directly to professors that will eventually be on-line on the NEA Higher Ed website as well.
“I’m excited about that one because it’s going to reach college professors and what I wrote was really for them, and it might help them as they’re working with first-year students,” she said.
Nichols Awarded Space as Part of The Fence Exhibit in Boston
Eric Nichols (Communication) was one of nine artists from throughout New England to be awarded space in the Regional Showcase as part of The FENCE exhibit in Boston's SoWa Market through . . .