Susanna Meyer (Communication Sciences and Disorders), Linda Larrivee (Dean, School of Education, Health & Natural Science), and Emily Soltano (Psychology) presented their work, titled “International Adopted Children: Successful English Language Acquisition Indicators,” at the 2013 American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention in Chicago from November 14–16, 2013.
This year’s theme was “The Magic of Teamwork: Science and Service Delivery.”
The WSU team’s study examined the pre-linguistic communication and productive language of internationally adopted children over a six-month period to determine possible predictors of language delays. Information from language samples and norm-referenced tests can be used to guide speech-language pathologists in treatment and of internationally adopted children.

Bisk Gives Talk on the Math Prep of Elementary Teachers in Portugal
Richard Bisk (Mathematics) gave a talk, "The Mathematical Preparation of Elementary Teachers," in October at the Colégio de Sáo Tomas conference Viva a Matemática in Portugal. This talk . . .