Adam Zahler (Visual & Performing Arts) attended Region 1 of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival (KCACTF) January 24-30. As chair of the Directing Committee, Zahler organized the SDC Fellowship Program, a joint program for student directors that is sponsored by KCACTF and Stage Directors and Choreographers, the professional directors union (of which he is a member). Eleven student directors from New England and New York State presented scenes over the course of three days, receiving response on their work. Zahler worked closely with the respondents, who included Gia Forakis (professional director), Leigh Selting (Chair of Theatre and Dance, University of Wyoming), and Gregg Henry (KCACTF National Director).
In addition, he taught two sessions of a workshop (The Director’s Dialectic); moderated a discussion (Collaboration Panel) with Daniel Burson (Dramaturg, Portland Stage Company), Jeff Modereger (Chair of Dept. of Theatre, University of Vermont), Barbara Waldinger (Artistic Director, HRC Showcase Theatre), and Bruce Robinson (Playwright); and hosted a discussion for student playwrights with Curt Columbus, Artistic Director of Trinity Repertory Company of Providence, RI.

Chalupka's Article on Sharps Safety Published in 'OR Nurse'
Stephanie Chalupka (Nursing) was an author of "Do Your Procedure Trays Meet Sharps Safety Standards?" which was published in OR Nurse. In the United States each year, an estimated 380,000 to . . .