Barbara Zang (Communication) was an invited participant in the April 10-12, 2013, IREX Europe conference “New Media in Russia: Challenges, Successes and the Role of the International Partnerships.”
Zang has worked for several years with journalism educator colleagues at the University of The Russian Academy of Education Nizhny Novgorod Branch, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation, to develop a center on media and disability reporting at the university.
This IREX-sponsored conference brought together several dozen Russian, European, and American partners from a variety of projects across the Russian Federation, from Moscow to Siberia.

New Members of Alpha Sigma Phi Inducted
The Worcester State University Lambda Rho chapter of the Alpha Sigma Phi National Criminal Justice Honor Society held its 2013 spring induction ceremony in the Seven Hill Lounge at Wasylean Hall on . . .