In 2007, Professor of Chemistry Margaret E. Kerr, Ph.D., was awarded a Fulbright Senior Scholar Grant to go to Thailand to promote green chemistry curriculum development at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok. In January, Kerr returned after five months in Thailand interacting with scientists and citizens. Below is an excerpt from an invited article she wrote for the Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology.
Excerpt: “My perspective as an American might be somewhat different than that of a Thai, but the fundamental role of science in the future will be the same everywhere. As chemists, we are concerned about the future of our field and are worried about what will happen when petroleum based starting materials become scarce and more expensive. Scientists have both the burden and the privilege of being on the forefront in the development of solutions that will aid society in its progression into the future. As we work to train students and develop research programs, it is imperative that we teach students in concepts in sustainability. The practice of green chemistry, or sustainable chemistry, is a powerful tool that provides students with the opportunity to learn about how they can promote practices that are favorable to the environment and to humans when they get into the working world. Green chemistry, by definition, promotes the reduction or elimination of hazardous substances in chemical process.”

Professor Frank Lamelas Explores Crystal Growth
Ask Frank Lamelas, associate professor of Earth, Environment, and Physics, about his research lab, and he’ll quickly tell you that he has a “distributed research laboratory.” That’s because . . .