Dr. Mary K. Alexander, Worcester State Foundation Board member and WSU professor emerita of nursing, reminded the 64 graduates of the Dr. Lillian R. Goodman Department of Nursing at the annual Pinning Ceremony on Thursday, May 16 that they “have the ability and skill set to capitalize on the best of times in nursing and turn the worst of times into the best of times.”
Alexander didn’t want to “spend time on a historical perspective” because “you need to know and appreciate that we are in the process of entering a new era in health care delivery.” But her long history with the WSU nursing program has taught her that WSU nursing graduates have been finding ways to pursue their dreams of caring for others even in uncertain times, she noted.
Alexander told the nursing students that they are part of a well-regarded community of practicing nurses and nurse educators. “The outstanding nursing graduates of the program for 40 years have made a significant difference in health care locally and nationally,” she said.
“I encourage you to create or take almost any nursing position that is available…keep your eyes and ears open and then move on as the opportunities present themselves…never burn a bridge as someday you may need to cross it,” she added.
WSU President Barry M. Maloney not only acknowledged the students’ hard work and dedication to reach this milestone, but also the faculty’s efforts to prepare for a recent accreditation site visit by the Collegiate Council on Nursing Education.
He also recognized the six nursing students who were among a group of 14 WSU student volunteers who were serving as runner guides with Dana Farber at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. None was injured in the tragic bombing, “but each has had much to contemplate these final weeks of the semester,” he said. “Thank you for your service to us and our community.”
Maloney applauded the graduated for meeting the challenges presented by rigorous course work and clinical experiences. “You worked hard, persevered, and are well prepared for the road ahead,” he said. “And this is as it should be for nursing students here at Worcester State. After all, you have a tradition to maintain: to sustain the 100 percent pass rate on the NCLEX.”
Associate Dean for Nursing Stephanie Chalupka ’80, Ed.D., R.N., PHCNS-BC, FAAOHN, congratulated the graduates. “We as a faculty have seen your willingness to truly engage with us in this enterprise,” she said. “We have seen your enthusiasm, energy for all that you did and most importantly, your devotion to your profession.”
As they begin their careers as clinical nurses, Chalupka reminded them that in “every moment, in everything you do, you make a difference. In fact, you are in the business of making a difference in other people’s lives. In that difference lies their healing and your power.”

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