Suzanne M. Buglione (Health Sciences and Sociology) co-presented a poster session at the eighth annual Excellence in Nursing Conference at the University of Massachusetts Medical School on April 26.
She co-wrote the work, titled “Quality Improvement: Recruit, develop and retain qualified nursing faculty in Worcester, Mass.,” with Elaine Parker, Mary K. Alexander (professor emerita of nursing, Worcester State Foundation Board) and Robyn Leo (Nursing).
The research is focused on the factors perceived by local faculty and potential faculty that influence decisions to pursue nursing faculty positions and the pilot strategies selected to recruit, develop, and retain qualified nursing faculty in Worcester.

Chalupka Receives Charlotte Brody Award for Work in Environmental Health
The Health Care Without Harm Nurses Work Group, in conjunction with The Luminary Project, has named Stephanie Chalupka (Nursing) as the 2012 Recipient of the Charlotte Brody Award. “Dr. . . .