Mary Clay, Bob Fink, Renuka Jain, Jay Mahoney, Bill O’Brien, Elizabeth Siler, and Lisa Wark (Business Administration and Economics) all participated in this year’s Northeast Business and Economics Association’s 40th Annual Conference at the Omni Mt. Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from November 7-9. This year’s conference was a joint celebration of the NBEA’s 40th anniversary and the 80th anniversary of the creation of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund at the same Bretton Woods hotel.
The NBEA enables faculty to share research and receive feedback on topics ranging from pure academic scholarship to pedagogy, assessment, administration, and public policy. Most of the WSU faculty members who participated also served as session chairs or discussants.
- Mary Clay presented her work on “Incorporating International Financial Reporting Standards: IFRS in the Accounting Curriculum.”
- Bob Fink presented a marketing paper entitled “Enduring the Buyer-Seller Relationship.”
- Adjunct professor Alex Hill presented “Analysis of Distributed-Team Supportive Technology.”
- Renuka Jain and Jay Mahoney collaborated on a presentation, “The Road to Student Learning: Outcome Assessment in the Business Program at Worcester State University.”
- Bill O’Brien, NBEA President, oversaw the entire conference, which attracted nearly 140 participants from 20 countries. Bill worked closely with the conference chair and proceedings editor and handled most of the financial and registration duties.
- Elizabeth Siler presented a paper, co-authored with Sinead Ruane of Western New England University, entitled “Anger and Aesthetics.”
- Lisa Wark presented a paper, “Cooperative Learning in Undergraduate Finance Classes.”
Worcester State Alumni and Grad Student Create Youth Heart Watch
Three Worcester University alumni joined forces earlier this year to create Youth Heart Watch, a nonprofit organization that provides free heart screenings to youth ages 14-24. Donna Anderson '10, . . .