The International Faculty Development Seminar (IFDS) is a program run through the Council for International Educational Exchange and funded by grants from the Worcester State Foundation. Through IFDS, faculty aim to bring enhanced international perspectives to their classrooms. This year, the faculty participating in this program include:
- Robert Brooks (Criminal Justice), Community Development and Social Justice in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Daniel Hunt (Communication), Supporting Intercultural Learning Through Study Away, Spain
- Kara Medeiros (CSD), Supporting Intercultural Learning Through Study Away, Spain
- Bill O’Brien (Business), Globalization, European Union Integration and the Effects of Global Business Belgium and the Netherlands
- Barbara Zang (Communication), Modern Debates Along an Ancient Way, Spain

Academic Innovation
Student Scholarship and Creativity Shine at Event
Preventing falls among the elderly, teaching financial literacy in the community, and studying invasive plants in area lakes are some topics featured in posters, panel discussions, and exhibitions at . . .