Stephen Morreale (Criminal Justice) was recently elected to serve as town moderator for the town of Southborough, Mass. Morreale will took the gavel from David Coombs, who didn’t run for re-election. The post is a one-year term.
“I have some rapid learning to do,” he told the Metrowest Daily News. “I’ll be in touch with the Mass. Moderators Association.”
He said one of his first tasks would be creating a joint ad-hoc committee with selectmen to look at how other towns run town meeting and ways to enhance participation. The moderator is also responsible for making appointments to the Financial Advisory Committee, Public Works Planning Committee, and Personnel Board, which sets salaries for town employees.

Seega Discusses Honor Society’s Peer-Mentoring Model at Conference
Kelly McGill Seega (Student Accessibility Services) presented a poster at the 28th Annual Postsecondary Disability Training Institute held in Philadelphia in June. “Peer Advisory Leadership . . .