Stephen Morreale (Criminal Justice) attended, presented, and served as panel chair and roundtable moderator at the recent Annual Conference for the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) in New York City from March 14-16.
He served as chair for a panel focusing on “Paradigms in Policing” and delivered a presentation on “Police Legitimacy in Procedural Justice,” with Angela Workman-Stark, superintendent and director of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Intelligence Bureau in Ottawa, Canada and faculty at Athabasca University.
He also presented with Lance Bohn, Community College of Allegheny County focusing on a study “Analyzing Adult Male Inmates in Disciplinary Housing in Large U.S. Jails.” The research focused on the use of disciplinary units for inmates of large U.S. jails.
In addition, Morreale served as a discussant in a roundtable discussion session focusing on the “Importance of Practitioners Publishing,” moderated by Matthew D. O’Deane of Kaplan University, James Ness, the dean of the School of Criminal Justice and Security at the University of Phoenix, and James Adcock of Clayton State University.
He also moderated a roundtable discussion session titled “Pracademic and Academics in Criminal Justice Education.” The panel discussed recent survey research conducted by James E. McCabe of Sacred Heart University and Morreale. The roundtable also included discussants George F. Cain and Dr. Michael O. Foley from Western Connecticut State University.
Morreale and McCabe’s article, titled “The “Pracademic” in Criminal Justice Education,” was published in the January issue of ACJS Now. The article focuses on the issues and benefits of a balanced faculty for student learning and research.

Yee Organizes Session on Economic Education for Conference
Janice Yee (Economics) organized a session at the Eastern Economics Association Conference held on March 9 at the Park Plaza Hotel in Boston. The session, "Issues and Economic Education," was well . . .