Registered nurses who are students in Worcester State University’s RN-to-BS and RN-to-MS nursing programs recently partnered with Bay State Savings Bank to celebrate National Public Health Week.
The students offered free health screenings and education for the community at several Bay State Savings Bank branch locations.
The activities included automated external defibrillator training, using new training equipment underwritten by Bay State Savings Bank; vital sign and blood pressure checks; stroke awareness education; and prescription drug safety instruction.
“We are very excited to be collaborating with Worcester State University’s Department of Nursing to offer free public health screenings at our branches,” said Diane Giampa, senior vice president of human resources and marketing at Bay State Savings Bank. “Many individuals have health issues and perhaps can’t afford an evaluation or don’t know where to have a screening done. Through these screening sessions we will be helping to provide people in our local community with an opportunity to access important, potentially life-saving information at no cost to them.”
Associate Dean of Nursing Stephanie Chalupka, EdD, RN, PHCNS-BC, FAAOHN, FNAP, added: “While these screenings are not a substitute for regular doctor visits, they will offer training and education, which can benefit people of all ages. Of course, the entire effort is made possible by the generosity of Bay State Savings Bank, and we are extremely grateful for the support of community outreach efforts and for our nursing program.”

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