After more than two years of committee work under the Financial Sustainability Task Force (FSTF) Phase I and II, the university’s Operational Excellence website is now live.
“We hope the website provides the campus community with useful information of where we currently stand on the core recommendations and future initiatives and ideas from various campus members,” said President Barry Maloney. “When the FSTF groups formed, we challenged committee members to think about their work and the sustainability of the campus in a strategy framework. I believe OpEx institutionalizes their collective efforts towards a more sustainable campus and a dashboard which supports that end.”
What’s on the site
FSTF Phase I and II Reports provide data and comprehensive recommendations during each of the phases of the committee’s work. There is a “Submit your Ideas/Feedback” form which is a direct avenue for users to share their thoughts, feedback, and innovative ideas with the OpEx project managers.
The Grant Form is an automated spreadsheet designed to calculate data based on predetermined formulas. The file contains several buttons accompanied by explanations detailing their respective functions. Often times, grant-receiving departments are required to furnish a comprehensive report detailing the allocation and utilization of funds.
This form streamlines the accounting process from the outset and remains a useful tool throughout the duration of the grant period.
Lastly, the FSTF Phase II Status is a matrix of the committee’s work on the 72 recommendations for financial sustainability and their current progress to date. This is a dynamic page which is updated on a regular basis.
The Pillars of Operational Excellence, About Us, Resources and Core Values each provide more structure for how Operational Excellence, or OpEx, was formed. OpEx has been combined with the Risk Management department under the Administration and Finance division. The OpEx department members include Kathleen Eichelroth, vice president, division of Administration and Finance; Jonathan Walker, Institutional Risk Officer; Kiran Chamanker, project manager; and Chris Korites, project manager.
Many of the recommendations are in some form of process while others have been completed. The full list can be reviewed on this link.
“The website was designed to be functional as well as insightful for those committed to the financial sustainability efforts of the campus and to their specific work areas,” said Kathleen Eichelroth, vice president and CFO of Administration and Finance. “The website represents the totality of the work since 2022 and I hope we continue to build momentum and capacity toward more financial sustainability efforts.”
Related stories – Board of Trustees Receives Financial Sustainability Task Force Report

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