Najib E. Saliba (History and Political Science) presented the paper on the current developments in Syria, “The Syrian Regime: Struggle for Survival and Implications for its Fall,” at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government on September 13 and at Suffolk University on October 1.
“Modern factors inspiring Syria’s role in the Arab world today pertain to the rise of the idea of Arab nationalism. The idea of Arab nationalism might have begun in Beirut toward the end of the 19th century, but by WWI it had become centered in Damascus,” Saliba wrote. “These very factors are also at play today in the current confrontation between the Syrian regime and its opposition, backed by the Western powers, namely the U.S., France, Britain, Italy, etc.”

Yang Publishes 'Goddesses, Mages, and Wise Women'
Sharon Yang's (English) book Goddesses, Mages, and Wise Women: The Female Pastoral Guide in Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-century English Drama was published in late July/early August this year by . . .