Hank Theriault (Philosophy) provided commentary for a video of an Armenian Genocide survivor for the USC Shoah Foundation. The video will remain permanently on the part of their site devoted to video interviews of survivors of the Armenian Genocide.
The main site is https://sfi.usc.edu/ , and an article on the project is at https://sfi.usc.edu/news/2015/03/8874-armenian-genocide-testimony-clip-series-begins-today.
Theriault also presented a lecture at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies on April 6, entitled “The Armenian Genocide: 100 Years of Denial.”
For more information visit: http://watson.brown.edu/events/2015/henry-theriault-armenian-genocide-100-years-denial .

2015 Diversity and Inclusion Awardees Announced
Student Leanne Quackenbush, staff member Isaac Tesfay, and faculty member Prof. Helen Semerjian recently received the 2015 Diversity and Inclusion awards. These three awardees have shown outstanding . . .