Heather Treseler (English) recently received the honor of first place in the 2016 Frank O’Hara Poetry Prize contest for her poem “Voyeur in June.” This piece is part of her manuscript under development titled Thesaurus for a Year of Desire.
The prize is given by the O’Hara family of Grafton, and was awarded to her by this year’s judge and poet, Henry Walters of New Hampshire. The Frank O’Hara Poetry Prize is run by the Worcester County Poetry Association, and is open to any individual who lives, works, or goes to school in Worcester County.
In celebration of her accomplishment, Treseler will be giving a reading at the First Unitarian Church in Worcester on Sunday, September 25, at 2 p.m. in the Bancroft Room (90 Main Street).

Wilcox-Titus Photographs Part of N.Y. Art and Science Exhibit
This summer, Catherine Wilcox-Titus (Visual and Performing Arts) had four photographs accepted into the Mysterious and Unexpected: The Merger of Art and Science exhibit on view at Spencertown Academy . . .