Bethany Strothers (VPA ’12), has curated this semester’s art show for the Worcester Windows Program. Worcester Windows is currently managed by The Gallery at Worcester State University and uses vacant downtown business windows as exhibition venues for area artists and Worcester State University students.
Bethany has worked with the Worcester Arts Council representative Erin Williams, and Professor Catherine Wilcox-Titus, and Gallery volunteer Howard McGinn ’83, to install over 47 works by 40 artists. This semester’s theme was Dreaming in Color, and the artists responded by submitting work that celebrated the return of the colors of spring and summer. This cycle of Worcester Windows includes an installation of art work in the windows of 44 Front Street by Worcester State University students Erin Buckley, Nicholas Charette, Alexandria DeRosa, Kayla Feist, Tiffany Hatstat, and Aida Rodriguez.
Bethany was successful in expanding the locations to include a beautiful side window at the Hanover Theatre, Z Café (389 Main St.), Theatre Café (529 Main St.), and Bay State Savings (32-26 Franklin St.), as well as our usual windows at Commerce Bank (386 Main St.), the Department of Developmental Services (24 Southbridge Services), and Worcester Credit Union (315 Main St.) and others.
In addition, the Gallery has extended exhibition venues to include interior venues. With assistance from Professor Wilcox-Titus and Howard McGinn, our first art concentrator in the VPA major, Emily Nelson, installed 28 works at the Worcester Academy of Music (11 Irving Street) for her Senior Thesis exhibition. The director of the Academy, Sarah Kelly, has generously partnered with Worcester State University to allow students to use the walls and spaces of the practice rooms for the exhibition of their art. The public is invited to go to the Academy during normal business hours to view the work.
This cycle of Worcester Windows will be on view until the end of July. The next cycle will an invitational art exhibition in the above venues and will be available until Dec. 1st. Please take some time to enjoy the art in the downtown businesses of the Worcester Windows Program presented by the Gallery at Worcester State University.

Eighteen Students Inducted into Alpha Sigma Lambda
On Thursday, May 5, the Worcester State University Lambda Kappa chapter of the Alpha Sigma Lambda honor society held its 2011 induction ceremony. Alpha Sigma Lambda is a national honor society that . . .