Kristin Waters (Philosophy) had her article “Crying Out for Liberty: Maria W. Stewart and David Walker’s Black Revolutionary Liberalism” published in Philosophia Africana, Vol. 15:1, March 2013.
In addition, the University of Cambridge Press has invited selected papers from the 2012 Society for Women in Philosophy conference to be included in a volume it is publishing. Among these is Waters’ “Past as Prologue: Intersectional Analysis from the Nineteenth Century to the Twenty-first Philosophies of Race and Gender.”
Her book review of Press, Platform, Pulpit: Black Feminist Publics in the Era of Reform, by Teresa Zackodnik (Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 2011) also was published in the Journal of American History (2013) 99(4): 1264–1265.

New Members of Alpha Sigma Phi Inducted
The Worcester State University Lambda Rho chapter of the Alpha Sigma Phi National Criminal Justice Honor Society held its 2013 spring induction ceremony in the Seven Hill Lounge at Wasylean Hall on . . .