Shelley White (Health Sciences) is the first author of an article, “War or Health? Assessing Public Health Education and the Potential for Primary Prevention,” published in Public Health Reports (Volume 128 (6), pp. 568-573. November/December 2013).
White also was one of the recipients of a Faculty Learning Community Grant along with Drs. Johnsen, Vivoni, Plavin-Masterman, and Harrity. The group was awarded the grant for their proposal, “Changing the Way the World Works: Igniting Brilliance in a Transnational Post-Modern Society.”

Chalupka Presents Research on Asthma Intervention in Urban Settings
Stephanie Chalupka’s (Nursing) research Healthy Homes: In-Home Environmental Asthma Intervention in a Diverse Urban Community was presented at the 141st annual meeting of the American Public . . .