Like many student clubs, Worcester State’s Enactus was forced to go completely remote with the emergence of the global COVID-19 pandemic in early March. Nonetheless, the team—which includes students of all class levels—remained focused, committed, and unified during an exceedingly challenging and uncertain spring semester.
“The team has been through a lot this year with the impact of COVID and separating us from our members and worse, how we can complete our projects when we can’t really be out in the community,” says Enactus Vice President Makayla Caisse ’21, who has been a member of the club since her freshman year.
Determined to keep up their momentum, the team opted to create an online presentation in order to remain competitive in the Enactus USA National Expo, which was originally slated to take place in Kansas City, Mo., this spring but had to be moved online due to the pandemic.
“We had a lot set up this semester, but our team has achieved being able to pull off creating an online presentation that we submitted to Enactus USA. We were still able to gather our data and meet [online] with our team weekly. For this, I am so proud of what we were able to accomplish. We struggled with the idea of even doing a presentation this year, but we managed to pull through and work hard to make it happen.”
While the Worcester State Enactus team did not place in the top four as they have in the past, the club’s director of fundraising, Quynh Doan ’21, and their advisor, Professor Joan Mahoney, Ph.D., were both recognized by Enactus USA for their contributions and achievements. Doan was selected as a finalist for Finance Manager of the Year in May, and Mahoney was inducted into the Enactus Sam Walton Hall of Fame in June.
As for next year, Caisse is optimistic that the club will not only survive, but thrive:
“Goals that I have for the club/future team are to come back better than ever,” she says. “I’m hoping this fall we will be able to go back to being out in the community at the Reyes House, going back into the Worcester Public Schools to help the children with bullying prevention, and more. I can’t wait to show the new members this year what Enactus is all about, and overall, I hope our team can accomplish moving forward with our projects and having them be sustainable.”
You can watch the full Worcester State Enactus presentation here.
About Worcester State Enactus: Enactus is an entrepreneurial organization for students of all majors. Students utilize leadership and business skills to make a positive impact on their community.

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Congratulations To Enactus team and to its advisor Dr. Mahoney for her recognition by Enactus USA and her induction into the Enactus Sam Walton Hall of Fame in June. Well deserved.