The Worcester State Foundation has expanded the scope of its Student Research Grant Fund to support graduate students as well as matriculated full- and part-time undergraduate students. The Research Fund will provide up to $10,000 each academic year to support research, scholarship and creative activity as well as travel related to the presentation at a regional or national conference.
“This fund, started last year, has already yielded great results for our undergraduate students,” said WSU Provost Dr. Charles Cullum. “For example, one student traveled to a national conference where his research project received the third place award. Now the fund will be used even more effectively through sponsorship of our graduate students as well. We are very grateful to the Foundation for broadening the range of their support.”
Each year, grant recipients will present the results of the research, scholarly, or creative project, or the presentation given at the regional or national conference attended, at the WSU Celebration of Scholarship and Creativity. Students may also be asked to present their research findings or presentation to the members of the Board of Directors of the Worcester State Foundation or the Board of Trustees of Worcester State University.
“Our students are extraordinarily hard-working and engaged in research across the curriculum,” noted Vice President of Institutional Advancement Tom McNamara. “The Worcester State Foundation is committed to expanding possibilities for research experience for our students, at all levels, in anyway we can.”
A call for proposals will be announced at the beginning of each semester. Proposals will be accepted for student projects in the spring and summer up until Feb. 15. Applications and criteria are available with each Department Chair, through the offices of the Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Dean, School of Education, Health and Natural Sciences, and the Office of Academic Affairs.

Beyond the Classroom
Former Child Soldier Emmanuel Jal Brings Message of Hope
Worcester State hosted a concert and lecture by international hip hop artist and former child soldier Emmanuel Jal on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 in the Fuller Theater of the Helen G. Shaughnessy . . .