Worcester State College’s 33rd annual Nurse Pinning Ceremony recognized its graduates in a ceremony steeped in tradition, May 14, 2009. According to Jilian Parzych, co-president of the Nursing Class of 2009, “Men and women from different cultures and backgrounds came to Worcester State College, but we are all nurses. Some of us came from a long-line of nurses going back decades and some have known since childhood that they would pursue nursing.”
Dr. Barbara Giguere, RN, PhD., who delivered the keynote address, said that the profession has evolved a great deal in its history from a time when hospitals did not exist and care of the sick was in the hands of family members to today, where nurses are highly qualified professionals working for the care of patients using ever-advancing technology.
President Janelle Ashley praised the students, “You are very special and occupy a special place in my heart,” she said. “You have chosen a profession to serve mankind in it’s weakest moments.”
The pinning ceremony was planned and organized by the 2009 senior nursing officers including Co-Presidents Elyse Lavin and Jilian Parzych; Co-Vice Presidents Nadine Malatesta and Amy Monaghan; Secretary Shaun L’Esperance; Treasurer Timily Henrickson; Class Representatives Tara Bonardi and Nicole Carvelli; and Advisors/Instructors Ellen Rearick and Kate Baldor.
As part of the ceremony, the WSC Chorale, under direction of Professor Christie Nigro, performed two songs.
Nursing Graduates:
Ana Arenas
Jessica Bernard*
Patricia Blake
Anna Bodus
Tara Bonardi
Katelyn Bonetti*
Marguerite Bovaird
Nicole Carvelli
Christopher Ciancitto
Alyssa Diaz
Alicia Denning
Stephanie Dodd*
Katherine Dufresne*
Amanda Dulmaine
Michelle Frazier
Stephanie Godfroy
Samantha Graham*
Angela Grella
Timily Henrickson*
Christie Hudson*
Jessalyn Hyland
Michele Kulis*
Michele Lacombe*
Katie Ladden*
Elyse Lavin*
Shaun L’Esperance*
Nadine Malatesta
Julie Mead
Ashley Moffitt
Amy Monaghan
Stephanie Morin
Kaitlin O’Donnell
Jennifer Panorese
Jaquelynn Parenteau
Lynne Pottle*
Alysa Rentschler
Kellie Spada*
Kristin Stolfi
Jennifer Tellier
Rebecca Terrill
Sara Tisdel
Amanda Washkevich
RN to BS
Caroline Adu*
Deborah Akrasi*
Maxwell Appiah*
Samira Duarte*
Amanam Ekwere*
Paula Fahlstrom
Virginia Haddad
Augusta Ishola*
Grace Karuu
Anne Kiraithe*
Denise Kobel
Lucy Muigai*
Nicole Murawski*
Elisabeth St. Germaine
Ritah Waweru
Carol West*
Kate Wohlander
*Denotes Sigma Theta Tau Inductees
Students receiving awards:
Academic Achievement Award
Jilian Parzych
Clinical Excellence in the Art and
Science of Nursing Award
Marguerite Bovaird
Lillian Goodman Award
Anne Kiraithe RN
Florence Nightingale Award
Jessica Bernard
Spirit of Nursing Award
Shaun L’Esperance
Fairlawn Rehabilitation Award
Jennifer Tellier

Our News
College to Hold 33rd Annual Nurse Pinning Ceremony
Worcester State College’s 33rd annual Nurse Pinning Ceremony will take place Thursday, May 14 at 6:00 p.m., in the Sullivan Auditorium. Caitlin Stover RN, PHCNS-BC, and Dr. Barbara Giguere, RN, . . .