The Office of Multicultural Affairs will celebrate 50 years of impact and support for the Worcester State University community with a special event on September 24, 2022. As the planning committee works to organize this special event, it is opening nominations for a keynote speaker and an emcee for the evening. Candidates should be graduates of Worcester State with an affiliation to OMA.
“We have so many amazing alumni who are incredible ambassadors for the important work of the Office of Multicultural Affairs,” said OMA Director Laxmi Bissoondial. “We wanted to invite the alumni community to be part of creating this special event by helping us identify an inspiring speaker and an emcee who can help us carry our message of belonging, inclusion and academic excellence.”
The Office of Multicultural Affairs was established in 1972 and its mission is to support the university’s first-generation students, ALANA/BIPOC (African-American, Latine, Asian, Native American/Black Indigenous and People of Color) students, and/or students from low-income backgrounds. Through programming and academic support, OMA creates a welcoming environment and works with students on academic, financial, social and personal adjustment in their transition to college and graduation.
To nominate an emcee visit:
To nominate a keynote speaker visit:

Beyond the Classroom
Graduate student commencement highlights resilience and community
Friends and family filled the seats on either side of the John P. Brissette '88 Competition Court. In the center of the room, 300 empty white chairs waited for the Worcester State graduate students . . .