Most Worcester State students report feeling safe on campus and believe the university is committed to preventing sexual misconduct, however feel that more could be done to prevent and respond to sexual misconduct, according to the university’s first comprehensive survey on sexual misconduct
The campus-wide Sexual Misconduct Climate Survey was conducted in November 2023 to help the university better understand the incidence of sexual misconduct and its impact on the university community. The Title IX Office, with the help of the Sexual Misconduct Response Team (SMRT), has recently released a report with the survey results for the Worcester State community.
“This survey is crucial for fostering a safer, more supportive environment,” said Associate Dean of Student Affairs and University Title IX Coordinator Jennifer Quinn. “It not only illuminates the real experiences of students but also empowers us to tailor our prevention and response strategies effectively, ensuring that all members of the campus community are heard and protected.”
The survey meets the requirements of state and federal law and represents the university’s multiyear participation in the Culture of Respect Collective in an effort to prevent sexual violence on campus.
The survey found that since enrolling at Worcester State, 45 percent of students reported experiencing at least one incident of sexual misconduct, the majority of which occurred off campus, with someone other than a Worcester State student or employee. Less than half (48 percent) of students who experienced sexual misconduct disclosed the incident.
The results highlight several areas that the Title IX Office and the Sexual Assault and Violence Education (SAVE) Task Force will focus on in the coming academic year.
The Title IX Office will be hosting two listening sessions to go over the report and give the campus community an opportunity to ask questions about it. The staff/faculty session will be held at 3 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 19, in Wellness 204. The student session will be held during the Student Senate meeting at 4 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26, in the Foster Room.
The report can be found here. Those with questions are invited to email Stephanie Teixeira at

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