Sebastian Velez (Biology) published two papers and presented his work in Morelia, Mexico as follows:
Vélez S., Férnandez, R., Giribet, G. (in press) A molecular phylogenetic approach to the New Zealand species of Enantiobuninae (Opiliones : Eupnoi : Neopilionidae). Invertebrate Systematics.
Fernández, R., Vélez, S., Giribet, G. (in press) Linking genetic diversity and morphological disparity: biodiversity assessment of a highly unexplored family of harvestmen (Arachnida : Opiliones : Neopilionidae) in New Zealand. Invertebrate Systematics.
Molecular systematics of the New Zealander and Chilean genera of the family Triaenonychidae (Arachnida: Opiliones: Laniatores). Presentation at the IV Arachnology Congress in Morelia, Mexico.

Seven Employees Recognized for Extraordinary Dedication
Seven faculty and staff members were recognized for "Extraordinary Dedication" at the employee Opening Day event September 2. From a pool of about 30 nominations, two were chosen from each collective . . .