SGA Auction Raises more than $31K for Charities

April 8, 2013
By: Worcester State University News


Guests at the 22nd Annual SGA Have-a-Heart Auction included a special guest, SGA Auction founder John Gay, students, parents, faculty, staff, community members, and President Maloney. A year of planning, fundraising, and soliciting donations, led by co-chairs Lindsey Bullen, Marion Calabro, and Joseph Nawn, culminated at the auction held on April 5th in the Blue Lounge.

Through various fundraisers held throughout the year leading up to the auction and the auction itself, over $31,000 was raised for Abby’s House, Sherry’s House, and the Mustard Seed.

Mr. Gay’s attendance at the Auction was a reminder of how far the SGA Auction has grown from its beginnings in 1991, when it raised hundreds of dollars for the Mustard Seed. It now raises thousands for three deserving Worcester charities. Without Gay’s vision, this longstanding, altruistic event would not be the great show of heart that it is today.

Lindsey, Marion, Joe and the rest of the Auction Committee were proud to carry on that spirit with the 22nd annual auction. All of those involved are humbled by the generosity shown throughout the year and at the event by both the Worcester State University community and the Worcester community as a whole. As tradition has proven year after year, the auction was a night of truly inspiring expressions of kindness and generosity in a room full of people who showed they surely had a heart for the SGA Auction and its beneficiaries, Abby’s House, Sherry’s House, and the Mustard Seed!

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