Amaryllis Siniossoglou (Visual & Performing Arts) has been selected to exhibit her prints at the Melina Merkouri Athens Cultural Center in Greece. The exhibition is organized by the Greek Chamber of Fine Arts, the City of Athens and the Committee for International Solidarity. The show runs from November 10-27, 2011. For more info, visit
She was accepted to exhibit one of her artist’s books at the First National Bookbinding Exhibition held at the Archaeological Museum of Messenia, Greece. The exhibition is supported by the Division for Prehistoric and Classical Antiquities, the Kalamata Friends for Book Arts and the Kalamata Public Library. The show includes members of ARA-Greece (International Association for Artistic Bookbinding) and opened on October 14. For more information, visit
Siniossoglou was selected to exhibit two of her large linocut prints at the 16th International Print Biennial in Varna, Bulgaria. The show was on view from May 19 to July 10, 2011.
She has been accepted to exhibit a color lithograph and an artist’s book at Worcester State University’s The Global Perspective, Juried Exhibition. Global Perspective is the inaugural exhibition at the newly renovated WSU Art Gallery. The opening reception was held on Thursday, October 20, 6-8 pm. The show will be on view through December 1.

Corey Receives Award for Article on Teaching History
Steven H. Corey (Urban Studies) has just received the 2011 William Gilbert Award for the Best Article on Teaching History from the American Historical Association (AHA) for "Pedagogy and Place: . . .