Sudha Swaminathan (Physical and Earth Sciences) received her ninth travel grant from the American Physical Society Committee on the Status of Women in Physics. The grant will reimburse travel expenses for one of two women speakers who have been invited to WSU to speak on their research.
Andrea Kirsh (Art Conservation and Museum Studies Scholar, Winterthur University of Delaware and Georgetown University, and author of Seeing Through Paintings) has agreed to speak to the Physics in Art (PY 112) class in Fall 2011. Izabela Stroe (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Department of Physics) has agreed to speak in Spring 2012.

VPA Student Brings Art to Vacant Business Windows in Worcester
Bethany Strothers (VPA '12), has curated this semester's art show for the Worcester Windows Program. Worcester Windows is currently managed by The Gallery at Worcester State University and . . .