Twenty-one Worcester State students participated in the 19th Annual Massachusetts Statewide Undergraduate Research Conference (URC) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst on Friday, April 26. The students, sponsored by nine faculty from seven different departments, presented their research in 14 poster sessions and two oral sessions.
The students, many accompanied by their faculty sponsors, gave lively, articulate, and well-attended presentations of their research. Many of them are also in the WSU Honors Program, and several are graduating seniors bound for graduate study.
In addition to the faculty sponsors, English Professor Karen Woods Weierman attended the conference as director of the Honors Program, and Josna Rege, also of the English Department, attended as the WSU Campus Contact for the URC. Professor Jay Mahoney (Business Administration) sponsored the largest number of sessions (five) and students (10) this year, and was on hand to support their presentations. Assistant Professor Seth Surgan (Psychology), also in attendance, sponsored three student presentations.
The following students gave presentations:
Isaac Appiah 2 poster sessions (faculty sponsor, Daron Barnard)
Shaun Polissack (faculty sponsor, Nirvana Filoramo)
Tiffany Hatstat (faculty sponsor, Anne Falke)
Communication Disorders:
Maryanna Owoc (faculty sponsor Keith Darrow)
Tarik Buxton (faculty sponsor William O’Brien)
Emily Faucher (faculty sponsor, Jim Foley)
Anthony McDonnell (faculty sponsor, Jay Mahoney)
Anthony McDonnell and Julie Broderick (faculty sponsor, Jay Mahoney)
Paul Conceison, Ashley Cornish and Smbat Defterderian (faculty sponsor, Jay Mahoney)
Nancy Moreira, Tiffany Milotte, Victor Palencia and Robert Finnegan (faculty sponsor, Jay Mahoney)
Karol Pawlowski and Ania Hiscilo (faculty sponsor, Jay Mahoney)
Amber Goulart (faculty sponsor, Seth Surgan)
Gina Lapriore (faculty sponsor, Seth Surgan)
Matthew Pageau (faculty sponsor, Seth Surgan)
Daniel Rowland (faculty sponsor, Vrinda Kalia)
Congratulations, everyone and best wishes to the graduating seniors!
Submitted by Josna Rege (English)

Alpha Sigma Lambda Announces Newest Members
The Worcester State University Lambda Kappa chapter of the Alpha Sigma Lambda honor society held its 2013 induction ceremony on Friday, April 12. The following students were inducted at this . . .